Guidance and Nostalgia (Episode 2)

Welcome back, everyone! It seems like the first episode was just the tip of the iceberg. You thought it was all about introductions? Well, think again. Maybe it’s time for me to peel back a few more layers and give you a glimpse into who I really am – or at least, who I’m trying to figure out.

I’ve read stories of legends, I’ve heard myths, and studied the tales of prophets. The question that often comes to my mind is, one day, will I be a story? And if so, what will be written on my behalf? Will I be the one to write my own story, or will others write it for me? What will I be remembered or portrayed as? What name will be written? Clay? IDrîs? The potter?

As I’m pondering mine, have you ever asked yourself the same question, or is it just me? Or maybe I’ll be called Sulaiman? A name that only I know I have. Oh, that reminds me, let’s talk about the name “Sulaiman.”

Take a moment and think about what comes to mind when you hear it. Ah, struggling with the pronunciation? No worries, I’ve got you covered. Sulaiman is the Arabic name for Solomon – yes, that Solomon, the legendary king you’ve probably heard about. He’s the one with the unlimited wealth, the master of all creatures, the ruler of lands far and wide. And let’s not forget about those incredible stories – the flying carpet, the queen of Sheba, the jinn at his command. Talk about a legend!

But here’s the thing about Solomon – even with all his power and glory, death still came for him. His story may have ended with his passing, but mine? Mine begins there.

Let me take you back to the moments right after Solomon’s death. His passing brought about a new beginning for all those creatures who had been under his spell – and let me tell you, there were quite a few. You see, despite his incredible power, Solomon’s soul was finally taken, but his body remained upright, as if he were still alive. The jinn, afraid to approach him, continued to work diligently, unaware of his true state. It wasn’t until the termites devoured his staff that they finally realized he was gone.

Now, I know you’ve got questions – how did he not decay? How did the jinn not realize sooner? Well, those are stories for another time. But what I want to focus on is the lesson embedded in this event – the importance of guidance. Imagine being a powerful creature like a jinn, working for an entire year without realizing your master was no more. Imagine the shock, the regret, the eventual freedom. With Solomon’s death came a new chapter for them – a chapter of liberation, of self-discovery.

And that’s where my story begins – with the elements of guidance, of self-discovery, of embracing what comes next. So, are you ready to join me on this journey? Let’s dive in together.

Let’s take a trip back to 1962, the year when a remarkable movie called “The Miracle Worker” graced the silver screen. This film tells the incredible story of Anne Sullivan, a blind teacher who helps a deaf and blind girl named Helen Keller. In one powerful moment, Anne says, “Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction.” It’s a line that really struck a chord with me. While my mom understood this idea to some extent, I wished my dad did too. Thankfully, I’ve come to grasp its importance in my own life, especially as I look ahead to raising my own kids one day – if time doesn’t slip away from me, that is!

As I reflect on my upbringing, I realize that I was surrounded by a diverse community of caregivers – it was like having a whole village looking out for me. From sharing meals with different families to playing with kids from all walks of life, my childhood was a whirlwind of experiences. But truth be told, it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Looking back, I realize that some aspects of my upbringing were a bit overwhelming, though I didn’t quite understand it at the time.

What’s truly remarkable is how vividly I remember moments from my early childhood, even from as young as 2 and a half years old! Sitting next to an old man while he harvested his farm, watching Aladdin with the Alimi brothers, and climbing wooden stairs—all play like a movie reel in my mind. Being a “passenger prince” in the old man’s car is a memory that stays with me. Some people find it hard to believe, but my memory is like a movie reel playing in my mind. But let’s save those stories for another time – there’s plenty more to share as we journey together.

As we wrap up this episode, I want to leave you with a couple of questions to ponder. Take a moment to reflect: what memories from your childhood stand out the most? Is there something specific that instantly takes you back to those early years? How far back can you trace your recollections?

Childhood memories have a unique way of shaping who we are and how we view the world around us. So, I encourage you to explore the depths of your own nostalgia and see what treasures you uncover. After all, it’s these moments that often hold the key to understanding ourselves a little better. So, what do you remember? How far can you think back? Take a trip down memory lane and see where it leads you.

2 thoughts on “Guidance and Nostalgia (Episode 2)”

  1. Isabel Marinho

    I once learned that if you want to recognize what makes your heart beat or if you want to recognize the thirst of your soul
    just dive deep into the memories of your child self.
    And remember, at that time, what you most liked to do, what colors were in your dreams, in which moments the hours ran slower, where your interests were and to which preferences, intimately, your fantasies belonged.

    By doing this traveling it is easy to map where our heart is, and our inner truthfulness resides.
    and so we can take ourselves back there.
    whenever we want
    and when we need it.

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