Untitled (Episode 1)

Welcome to my humble corner of the internet! This marks the debut of my very first article on my website, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have you here with me. First off, a big thank you to each and every one of you for taking the time to join me on this journey.

Now, I’m sure many of you recognize me as the Potter from Instagram, sporting that golden hair and apron. But let me ask you something – is that really all there is to me? Am I just the guy you see in those posts and stories? Or perhaps you’ve caught me during one of my live sessions, listening to the mesmerizing verses of the Qur’an. You might have your own perception of who I am, and that’s totally okay. But here’s the thing – I’m here to peel back the layers and show you the real me, beyond the filters and captions.

In the articles you’ll find here, I’ll be delving into my personal journey, sharing snippets of my life, my thoughts, and my experiences. Because at the end of the day, I’m just a human being with dreams, aspirations, and a whole lot of stories to tell. I’m on a quest for grace, chasing after my purpose with unwavering determination. And you know what? I believe that each and every one of us deserves to have our voices heard.

Before I dive deeper into my story, allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Idris Opeyemi Sulaiman, and I’m honored to have you along for the ride. So buckle up, folks – we’re just getting started.

Now that you’ve gotten to know me a bit better, let’s talk titles. What should we call this series of mine? “Clay Castle,” “IDrîs Diary,” “The Potter Unknown,” or perhaps something entirely different? I’m open to suggestions, so feel free to drop your ideas in the comments below.

So, you all know my name now. But you might be wondering about that “Sulaiman” part. Well, my official name is Idris Opeyemi Olabode, but in my Yoruba culture, it’s customary for children to have multiple names. I’m talking about five, ten, sometimes even more! It’s a whole tradition, let me tell you. Here’s the breakdown: you’ve got your main name, given by your father (that’s “Idris” for me), then your father’s father’s name, which we call the surname (“Olabode” in my case). Next up, we’ve got the middle name, which is often two Yoruba words mashed together. Mine? “Opeyemi” – “Ope” for gratitude, “Yemi” for “I deserve.” Put them together, and you’ve got “I deserve gratitude.” Pretty cool, right? Oh, and I’ve got a couple more of those name combos, like “Olaitan” (meaning “wealth doesn’t finish”). As for the others, well, let’s just say they’re for my ears only – a bit of spiritual security, if you will. (Don’t worry, I’m just teasing.)

Now, let’s talk about something really special: the Oriki. It’s a Yoruba tradition, kind of like a greeting but with a deeper meaning. It’s all about praising a child for their accomplishments or evoking certain character traits. Every Yoruba person has one, and it’s a big deal. I won’t get into mine here, but trust me, it’s pretty meaningful.

I wanted to share all of this with you to show you just how important – or sometimes not so important – names can be. Because let me tell you, there have been times in my life when I’ve wanted to shed a few of mine. But hey, that’s all part of the journey, right?

These words are starting to feel a bit long for an article, aren’t they? I guess I’ll have to wrap things up here for now. But don’t worry, I’ll be back on Thursday to spill the beans on where “Sulaiman” comes from and why I’ve got a soft spot for the name. Then again, maybe I’ll keep it a mystery. After all, I’m a free writer living a free life, and I just want to tell my story as it unfolds.

But before I sign off, let me leave you with this whispered question: “Are you happy with yourself?” It’s a simple question, but one worth pondering. Until next time, take care.

5 thoughts on “Untitled (Episode 1)”

  1. Wow! Such a beautiful write up about yourself Idris. I’ve learnt something new about you today. Enjoyed every moment while reading this. Your creativity is marvelous.

  2. I am sitting at the edge of my seat feeling greedy for more of you and your story. You have teased me with a tiny taste of you. I am left in a state of hunger. More more more 😁
    Thank you

  3. Can’t wait to get to know you through those articles, Potter Unknown! Thank you for sharing the meaning of your name. I’m particularly curious about the names you wanted to shed? And if you did actually do it? Or not? And why for either case? 👀

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